Dinnerplate Dahlias Native to Mexico and Central America, dahlias are tuberous rooted perennials in the aster family. Hybrids in commerce...
Dicentra Spectabilis Or Bleeding Hearts Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in part to full shade. Prefers moist, humusy soils in part...
Dracunculus Vulgaris Dracunculus vulgaris, commonly called dragon arum, is a tuberous herbaceous perennial that is native to rocky areas and...
Elephant Ears Colocasia Esculenta Best grown in fertile, humusy, organically rich, medium to wet soils in part shade or filtered sun. When...
Eremurus Or Foxtail Lily Eremurus, commonly called Desert Candle or Foxtail Lily, is a robust perennial that features giant, upright, cylindrical flower spires...
Eryngium or Sea Holly Eryngium x zabelii, commonly called Sea Holly, Easily grown in dry, sandy, poor to moderately fertile, well-drained soils in...
Eucomis Or Pineapple Lily Best grown in moist, well-drained soils in full sun. Tolerates some shade, but best flowering and foliage color...
Gladiolus Murielae Or Peacock Gladiolus (acidenthera) Sword-shaped medium green leaves (to 2’ long) in upright fans are typical of gladiolus. With fragrant, star-shaped white...
Gloriosa Rothschildiana Plant tubers horizontally 1” deep and 8-12” apart in an organically rich, medium moisture, well-drained soil after last...
Haemanthus or Scadoxus Multiflorus  Scadoxus multiflorus, (formerly know as Haemanthus multiflorus) called Blood Lily, is a bulbous perennial that is native to tropical...
Hardy Cyclamen Hardy Cyclamen typically grows 4-6" tall and features pink or white tinged with pink flowers (2" long) with...
Hedychium Winter hardy to USDA Zones 7-10. Best grown in organically rich, medium to wet, well-drained soils in full...
Hemerocallis or Daylily Modern daylilies are the product of many years of breeding work, resulting in freely blooming plants of the...
Incarvillea Delavayi or Hardy Gloxinia This gloxinia is a clump-forming perennial which typically grows 18-24" tall. Features clusters of trumpet-shaped, pinkish-red, 2.5" long...
Ismene Festalis Or Peruvian Daffodil Peruvian Daffodil is a deciduous, bulbous, hybrid perennial of garden origin that looks like a spidery daffodil with...
Kniphofia or Torchlily Also known as Torchlily, these are easy to grow in the garden as long as the soil is...
Liatris Common Name Gayfeather Or Blazing Star Widely grown as a commercial cut flower, this is selected from one of our native prairie wildflowers. Plants...
Ligularia Dentata Desdemona Sometimes called Leopard Plant, this is a bold specimen perennial that needs a moist location. Plants form a...