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Pre-order Spring bulbs now! Shipping begins the 3rd week of March.

    Gladiolus Murielae Or Peacock Gladiolus (acidenthera)

    Sword-shaped medium green leaves (to 2ā€™ long) in upright fans are typical of gladiolus. With fragrant, star-shaped white flowers (to 2-3ā€ across) with pointed spreading petals and dark purple throats they are less typical of gladiolus. Flowers of this species are well-spaced and have a more graceful appearance than many of the gladiolus hybrids available in commerce.

    Acidenthera corms may be left in the ground year-round in USDA Zones 7-10, but it is generally believed that plants in these areas will flower best if corms are dug annually there as well. Best grown in humusy, medium moisture, well-drained soils in full sun. Adapts to a wide range of soils except heavy clay. Site plants in locations protected from strong winds. Corms may be started indoors in early spring (for earlier bloom) or planted directly in the ground after last frost date. Corm size determines planting depth and spacing. Plant corms 2-6ā€ deep (2-3ā€ for small corms and 5-6ā€ for large ones) and 4-6ā€ apart.

    Provide consistent moisture during the growing season, especially during dry summer periods, and do not allow soils to dry out.



    Hardiness zone: 7 to 10

    Height: 2 to 3 feet

    Spread: 1 to 1 1/2 feet

    Bloom Time: August to September

    Bloom Description: White with dark purple throat

    Sun: Full sun

    Water: Medium

    Maintenance: Medium

    Suggested Use: Annual

    Flower: Showy, Fragrant

    Premium Dutch Quality

    Safe Shipping

    Value for Money

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