Plant tubers horizontally 1ā deep and 8-12ā apart in an organically rich, medium moisture, well-drained soil after last frost date. Tuber should be planted at a 5 degree angle just under the soil with the eye facing upwards. For earlier bloom, tubers may be started indoors in late winter and moved outside after last frost. Best sited in locations with some afternoon shade. After bloom, dig, dry and store in a dry medium before first frost. Tubers are brittle and can be difficult to dig at the end of the growing season.
Accordingly, many gardeners find it easiest to leave Gloriosa tubers in pots or containers year-round: start indoors in late winter, sink entire pot to the rim into the ground after last frost date and dig up pot and remove to a frost free location after blooming for overwintering dry in the pot.
Containers may also be placed on patios during growing season. As a houseplant, locate container in a bright sunny window, with watering tapered off after blooming to induce dormancy.
Hardiness zone: 8 to 10
Bloom Time: Summer
Sun: Afternoon Shade
Water: Medium