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Product Information
🚚 Shipping Starts: Sold-out for this season
📦 Quantity per Package: 10 Bulbs

☀️ Light Required: Full Sun / Partial Shade
🌷 Height: 4-6"
🌸 Blooming Period: Early Spring
🌱 Bulb Size: 12/+
Planting Distance: 4-5"
Planting Depth: 6"
📍 Hardiness Zone: Zone 3-8
🦌 Deer Resistant: Yes
💐 Minimum Bulbs for Effect: 10-15

About Pipit

Brighten up your garden with the vibrant and charming Daffodil Pipit. This exquisite variety of daffodils is sure to add a touch of elegance to any outdoor space. With its delicate yellow petals and contrasting orange center, the Pipit variety is a true showstopper.

  • Beautiful and vibrant yellow petals with an eye-catching orange center
  • Medium-sized blooms that add a pop of color to your garden
  • Hardy and reliable, perfect for both novice and experienced gardeners
  • Long-lasting flowers that bloom in early spring, bringing the first signs of the season
  • Versatile plant that thrives in various garden settings, from borders to containers

How to plant and take care of Pipit

  • Choose a sunny or partially shaded location in your garden.
  • Dig a hole that is 4-6 inches deep and place the bulb with the pointed end facing upwards.
  • Space the bulbs approximately 4-6 inches apart to allow for proper growth.
  • Water the bulbs thoroughly after planting to settle the soil.
  • Provide regular watering during the growing season, especially during dry spells.
  • Deadhead the flowers after they fade to encourage more blooms.
  • Let the foliage die back naturally before removing it, as it helps store energy for the next season.
  • Apply a slow-release bulb fertilizer in early autumn to promote healthy growth.

Frequently Asked Questions

The optimal height for pinching Daffodil Pipit can vary depending on your desired outcome. However, a general guideline is to wait until the plant reaches a height of approximately 6 to 8 inches (15 to 20 centimeters) before pinching. This allows the plant to establish a strong root system and develop sufficient foliage to support future growth. By pinching at this stage, you encourage branching and stimulate fuller, bushier growth, resulting in a more compact and visually appealing plant.

The secret to successfully growing Daffodil Pipit lies in providing the right growing conditions and proper care. Start by planting the bulbs in well-draining soil enriched with organic matter. Choose a sunny or partially shaded location for optimal growth. Adequate watering is crucial, especially during the growing season, ensuring the soil remains consistently moist but not waterlogged. Apply a balanced fertilizer before and after blooming to provide essential nutrients. Deadhead the spent flowers to divert the plant's energy into bulb development. Lastly, allow the foliage to naturally wither and die back, as this replenishes the bulb for future growth.

Daffodil Pipit bulbs can be left in the ground year-round in areas with a suitable climate. These daffodils are generally considered hardy and can withstand winter conditions without the need for lifting and storage. However, it's important to note that the specific hardiness and adaptability of Daffodil Pipit may vary based on your region's climate and soil conditions. If you live in an area with harsh winters or excessively wet soil, it's advisable to provide some protection, such as applying a layer of mulch, to insulate the bulbs and prevent damage.

If you forget to plant your Daffodil Pipit bulbs at the ideal time, don't worry; there are still options available. It's generally recommended to plant daffodil bulbs in the fall before the ground freezes, allowing them time to establish roots before winter. However, if you miss this window, you can still plant the bulbs as soon as the ground thaws in early spring. While late planting may result in delayed or reduced blooms in the current year, the bulbs will typically adjust and resume their normal flowering cycle in subsequent years.

Daffodil Pipit is considered frost-hardy and can withstand cold temperatures to some extent. These daffodils are generally resilient and capable of enduring light to moderate frosts without significant damage. However, in regions with severe or prolonged winter frosts, it is advisable to provide some protection to ensure their survival and optimal growth. You can cover the bulbs and emerging foliage with a layer of mulch or straw to insulate them from extreme cold. This protective layer helps regulate soil temperature, prevent frost heaving, and minimize the risk of damage to the bulbs. Remember to remove the protective layer gradually in early spring as temperatures rise.

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