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Fall bulb pre-ordering started! Free shipping on orders over $100,-.

    Fly Away

    $9.99 $16.65
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    Product Information
    🚚 Shipping Starts: Last week of September '24
    📦 Quantity per Package: 10 Bulbs

    ☀️ Light Required: Full Sun / Partial Shade
    🌷 Height: 18-20"
    🌸 Blooming Period: Late Spring
    🌱 Bulb Size: 12/+
    Planting Distance: 4-5"
    Planting Depth: 6"
    📍 Hardiness Zone: Zone 3-8
    🦌 Deer Resistant: No
    💐 Minimum Bulbs for Effect: 10-15
    Fly Away

    About Fly Away

    Unleash the vibrant magic of Tulip Fly Away in your garden and watch as it takes flight, captivating all who lay eyes upon its mesmerizing petals. With its graceful blooms and ethereal charm, this enchanting tulip variety will transport you to a world of pure botanical bliss.

    • Striking and unique tulip variety
    • Captivating petals with a stunning color gradient
    • Adds a touch of elegance and whimsy to any garden
    • Ideal for bouquets and floral arrangements

    How to plant and take care of Fly Away

    • Choose a sunny location with well-draining soil
    • Plant bulbs in the fall, around 6 inches deep and 4-5 inches apart
    • Water thoroughly after planting and keep the soil moist throughout the growing season
    • Provide regular fertilization to promote healthy growth
    • Deadhead faded blooms to encourage more flowers
    • Protect from extreme cold temperatures and frost

    Frequently Asked Questions

    When it comes to fertilizing Fly Away tulips, it is important to choose a balanced fertilizer with a nutrient ratio like 10-10-10 or 14-14-14. These ratios indicate the percentage of nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), and potassium (K) present in the fertilizer. A balanced fertilizer ensures that the tulips receive adequate nutrients for healthy growth and blooming. Additionally, consider using a slow-release fertilizer to provide a steady supply of nutrients over time. Apply the fertilizer in early spring, before the tulips start actively growing, following the recommended dosage on the package. Remember to water the plants after applying the fertilizer to help it dissolve and reach the root zone effectively.

    Several factors can contribute to Fly Away tulips not blooming. One common reason is insufficient sunlight. Tulips require at least six hours of direct sunlight each day to produce blooms. If they are planted in a shaded area, consider transplanting them to a sunnier location. Another possibility is improper planting depth. Tulip bulbs should be planted at a depth of 6 inches to encourage flowering. If they are too shallow or too deep, they may not bloom. Additionally, tulips need a period of cold dormancy to initiate blooming. If the bulbs were not exposed to a long enough chilling period, they may not flower. Lastly, nutrient deficiencies, such as a lack of phosphorus, can impact blooming. Ensure the tulips receive adequate fertilization with a balanced fertilizer to address this issue

    Pinching Fly Away tulips refers to the act of removing the spent flowers or "deadheading" them. If you choose not to pinch the tulips, several consequences may occur. Firstly, the plant will divert energy into producing seeds instead of channeling it towards bulb development. This can result in smaller bulbs and weaker plants over time. Secondly, leaving the faded flowers on the plant can lead to seed production, which may result in self-seeding and the subsequent growth of additional tulip plants. While this might seem desirable, it can lead to overcrowding and competition for resources among the tulips. Lastly, leaving the dead flowers intact can affect the overall aesthetic appeal of the tulip bed, as the faded blooms may look untidy. Therefore, to promote bulb growth, prevent self-seeding, and maintain a neat appearance, it is recommended to pinch or deadhead the spent flowers of Fly Away tulips.

    To encourage bigger blooms on Fly Away tulips, there are several steps you can take. Firstly, provide the tulips with optimal growing conditions. This includes planting them in well-draining soil enriched with organic matter. Adequate sunlight is crucial, so ensure they receive at least six hours of direct sunlight each day. Secondly, ensure proper watering practices. Tulips prefer moist soil but can be susceptible to rot in waterlogged conditions. Water the plants deeply when the top inch of soil feels dry, allowing excess water to drain away. Thirdly, apply a balanced fertilizer with a higher phosphorus content, such as a 5-10-10 ratio. Phosphorus promotes root and flower development. Apply the fertilizer according to the package instructions in early spring. Lastly, consider providing support to taller tulip varieties to prevent stem bending or breakage.

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