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Fall bulb pre-ordering started! Free shipping on orders over $100,-.


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    Product Information
    🚚 Shipping Starts: Last week of September '24
    📦 Quantity per Package: 10 Bulbs

    ☀️ Light Required: Full Sun / Partial Shade
    🌷 Height: 10-12"
    🌸 Blooming Period: Mid Spring
    🌱 Bulb Size: 6/+
    Planting Distance: 3"
    Planting Depth: 4-5"
    📍 Hardiness Zone: Zone 3-8
    🦌 Deer Resistant: No
    💐 Minimum Bulbs for Effect: 10-15

    About Chrysantha

    Get to know this Chrysantha tulip! With its stunning red and yellow petals and graceful shape, this tulip variety is sure to captivate your senses. This tulip has a unique color palette combination, which makes it pops out of the garden.

    • Graceful and elegant shape that enhances the overall aesthetic appeal
    • Robust and hardy nature, ensuring long-lasting blooms
    • Perfect for borders, containers, or as cut flowers for vibrant indoor displays
    • Ideal for both novice and experienced gardeners

    How to plant and take care of Chrysantha

    • Choose a well-drained location with full sun exposure for optimal growth
    • Plant bulbs in the fall, approximately 6 inches deep and 4-5 inches apart
    • Water thoroughly after planting and keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged
    • Apply a layer of organic mulch to protect the bulbs during winter
    • Fertilize in early spring with a balanced flower fertilizer to promote healthy growth
    • Remove faded flowers to encourage more blooms and prevent seed formation
    • After the foliage turns yellow, you can cut it back to ground level

    Frequently Asked Questions

    Chrysantha tulips are considered to be moderately frost hardy. While they can tolerate some cold temperatures, it is generally recommended to provide them with some protection during harsh winter conditions. Mulching the soil around the bulbs can help insulate them from extreme cold and prevent frost damage. Additionally, covering the planting area with a layer of straw or leaves can provide further protection. It's important to monitor weather forecasts and take appropriate measures to safeguard Chrysantha tulips when freezing temperatures are expected. By offering some winter protection, you can increase the chances of these beautiful tulips thriving in your garden.

    Chrysantha tulips benefit from a balanced fertilizer that provides essential nutrients for healthy growth and vibrant blooms. When selecting a fertilizer, it is recommended to use a granular or slow-release formula with an N-P-K ratio of around 10-10-10 or similar proportions. This balanced ratio ensures an adequate supply of nitrogen (N) for leaf and stem development, phosphorus (P) for robust root growth and flower production, and potassium (K) for overall plant health. Applying the fertilizer before planting the bulbs in the fall or early spring is ideal. Be sure to follow the manufacturer's instructions regarding application rates and timing.

    Several factors can contribute to Chrysantha tulips not blooming. One common reason is inadequate sunlight. These tulips require full sun or at least six hours of direct sunlight each day to promote proper blooming. Insufficient sunlight can lead to weak or no blooms. Another possible cause is improper planting depth. If the bulbs are planted too shallow or too deep, it can affect their ability to produce flowers. Ensure that the bulbs are planted at a depth of about 6 inches, with the pointed end facing upwards. Additionally, overcrowding can impede blooming. If the tulips are planted too closely together, they may not have enough space to develop and bloom fully. Consider thinning them out if they appear overcrowded. Finally, nutritional deficiencies or soil pH imbalance can also impact flowering. Ensure the soil is well-drained, fertile, and rich in organic matter. Conduct a soil test to determine if any specific nutrients are lacking and amend the soil accordingly.

    Pinching Chrysantha tulips refers to the practice of removing the developing flower buds or lateral shoots from the plant. If you choose not to pinch these tulips, the natural growth process will proceed, and the buds will develop into flowers. However, by not pinching, the plant will invest more energy into producing flowers instead of directing it towards bulb development. This can result in smaller bulbs and reduced flowering in subsequent years. Pinching is typically done by gently snapping off the buds or shoots when they are approximately one inch long. By removing these buds, the plant's energy is redirected towards strengthening the bulb and promoting bulb division, ultimately leading to larger and healthier bulbs. Pinching is especially beneficial for long-term tulip cultivation and can contribute to more robust blooms in the future.

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